For 12 months of 2015, the unaudited consolidated net profit of the AB INVL Baltic Farmland group and the part of profit attributable to the shareholders of AB INVL Baltic..
MoreINVL Farmland, AB plans to publish information for the 2016 according to the investors’ calendar: 2 February 2016 – preliminary operating results and factsheet for 12 months of 2015; 26..
MoreAmended Securities Act in force since 4 December 2015 foresees that issuers can decide whether to prepare interim financial information (3, 9 and 12 months financial statements) or not. Public..
MoreOn 4 November 2015, the Registry of Legal Entities registered the new office address of INVL Baltic Farmland, a public joint-stock company which invests in agricultural land. The new registered..
MoreThe resolutions of the General Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB that was held on 28 October 2015: 1.Regarding election of auditor to carry out of the audit of..
MoreUnaudited consolidated net profit as well as consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of INVL Baltic Farmland amounted to EUR 270 thousand for 9 months of 2015. Additional information: INVL..
MoreOn the initiative and decision of the Management Board of INVL Baltic Farmland the General Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB (identification code 303299781, the registered address Seimyniskiu str…
MoreThe release date of unaudited interim information for 6 months of 2015 of INVL Baltic Farmland was amended. We announce the amended investors calendar for 2015 of INVL Baltic Farmland:..
MoreUnaudited consolidated net profit as well as consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of INVL Baltic Farmland amounted to EUR 206 thousand for 6 months of 2015. Additional information: INVL..