The Board of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB (identification code 303299781, the registered address Šeimyniškių str. 1A, Vilnius, Lithuania) taking into account that INVL Baltic Farmland's share price on NASDAQ OMX..
MoreUnaudited consolidated net profit as well as consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of INVL Baltic Farmland amounted to EUR 90.7 thousand (LTL 313 thousand) for the period of 12..
MoreEquity of INVL Baltic Farmland, a company investing into agricultural land, was equal to EUR 9.9 million (LTL 34.3 million) or EUR 3.02 per share at the end of 2014. ..
MoreINVL Baltic Farmland, AB provides the calendar of information to be published for the 2015: 27 January 2015 – preliminary result for 12 months of 2014 27 February 2015 –..
MoreThe resolutions of the General Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB that was held on 23 December 2014: 1.Regarding election of the audit company to audit financial statements of..
MoreINVL Baltic Farmland, a company investing into agricultural land, elected PricewaterhouseCoopers to audit financial statements of 2014. The payment for the audit services is set for not more than LT 24..
MoreOn the initiative and decision of the Management Board of INVL Baltic Farmland the General Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB (identification code 303299781, the registered address Kalvariju str…
MoreOn the initiative and decision of the Management Board of INVL Baltic Farmland the General Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB (identification code 303299781, the registered address Kalvariju str…
MoreCorrection has been made in the Interim consolidated statement of comprehensive income for nine months of 2014. All other information did not change. The person authorized to provide additional information:..