Notification about acquisition of voting rights

INVL Baltic Farmland received following notification: The notification (attached) from Eglė Surplienė on acquisition of voting rights. The threshold of 50% was crossed. The reason of threshold – the appointment..


New director of INVL Baltic Farmland – E.Surpliene

Company investing into agriculture land INVL Baltic Farmland and listed in NASDAQ Vilnius Stock Exchange nominated a new director Egle Surpliene. E. Surplienė will replace Darius Sulnis, who will remain..


Egle Surpliene is elected as CEO of INVL Baltic Farmland

By the decision of the Board of INVL Baltic Farmland of 29 June 2015, Egle Surpliene is elected to the position of CEO of INVL Baltic Farmland from 30 June…


Regarding the new wording of the Articles of Association of...

The public joint-stock company INVL Baltic Farmland announces that according to the resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting held on 24 March 2015, the company registered the reduced authorized capital..


Profit of INVL Baltic Farmland for the first quarter of the...

During the first quarter of the year the agricultural land investment company INVL Baltic Farmland generated EUR 121 thousand of revenue and made EUR 116 thousand of net profit. As..


Unaudited results of INVL Baltic Farmland for 3 months of...

Unaudited consolidated net profit as well as consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of INVL Baltic Farmland amounted to EUR 116 thousand. The company’s establishment date 29 April 2014, therefore..


Procedure for the payout of dividends for the year 2014

On 24 March 2015, the General Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB (identification code 303299781, address Seimyniskiu str. 1A, Vilnius, LT09312) decided to allocate EUR 0.06 dividend per share…


INVL Baltic Farmland starts to pay dividends

INVL Baltic Farmland, a company investing into agricultural land, starts to pay dividends from 22nd of April. INVL Baltic Farmland will pay EUR 197 thousand of dividends or EUR 0.06..


Resolutions of the Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic...

The resolutions of the General Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB that was held on 24 March 2015: 1.     Presentation of the public joint-stock company INVL Baltic Farmland consolidated annual..
