Procedure for the payout of dividends for the year 2017

On 10 April 2018, the General Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB (identification code 303299781, address Gyneju str. 14, Vilnius, LT-01109) decided to allocate EUR 0.15 dividend per share…


INVL Baltic Farmland has first-quarter net profit of EUR 71...

INVL Baltic Farmland, a company that invests in agricultural land, in the first quarter of this year had revenue of EUR 140 000 and net profit of EUR 71 000…


The wording of the Articles of Association of INVL Baltic...

On 18th April 2018 the Register of Legal Entities has registered a new wording of the Articles of Association of the public joint stock company INVL Baltic Farmland. Shareholders of..


Resolutions of the Ordinary General Shareholders meeting of...

The resolutions of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic Farmland that was held on 10 April 2018: Presentation of the public joint-stock company INVL Baltic Farmland consolidated annual..


Audited annual information of INVL Baltic Farmland for 2017

We hereby announce the audited annual information and the confirmation of responsible persons of INVL Baltic Farmland for the year 2017. The person authorized to provide additional information:          Egle Surpliene..


Chairman of the Board of INVL Baltic Farmland was elected

The general shareholders meeting of INVL Baltic Farmland, which took place on 10 April 2018, re-elected Alvydas Banys, Indrė Mišeikytė and Darius Šulnis to the Board for the new 4..


INVL Baltic Farmland to pay dividends of EUR 484 000

INVL Baltic Farmland, a company that invests in agricultural land, will pay a dividend of EUR 0.15 per share for 2017, thus allocating a total of EUR 484 000 for..


INVL Baltic Farmland plans to earn EUR 360 thousand net...

The Board of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB, a company investing into agricultural land, approved its activity forecasts for 2018. Consolidated revenues of INVL Baltic Farmland are forecasted at EUR 609..


Convocation of the Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic...

On the initiative and decision of the Board of INVL Baltic Farmland the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of INVL Baltic Farmland (identification code 303299781, the registered address Gyneju str. 14..
