Share trading

Important information

Past results of investments only show performance for a period in the past. Past results do not guarantee future results. If the return on investments was previously positive, it will not necessarily be so in the future. The value of investments can both increase and decrease. INVL Baltic Farmland AB does not guarantee the profitability of investments.

Before making a decision to invest, you should individually or with the help of investment advisors assess the characteristics, strategy, applicable fees and all risks associated with investing, also read and get acquainted with prospectus and other relevant, publicly disclosed information

The information provided on this website is of an informational-promotional nature and cannot be construed as a recommendation, offer or encouragement to buy, hold, exchange or sell shares of INVL Baltic Farmland AB. The information provided here cannot be the basis for any subsequently concluded agreement. Although the content of this information is based on sources which are considered to be reliable, INVL Asset Management AB is not responsible for inaccuracies or changes in the information, or for losses that may arise when investments are based on this information.